We are MA Publishing students at UAL. We come from all over the world, each of us bringing fresh insights and creative new ways to connect, learn and work with one another. And now we want to connect with you.

We decided on Connectivity and Collaboration for our event theme as publishing is a multifaceted industry. If we are not collaborating and connecting with one another, then how can we learn? How can we innovate? How can the industry function if we are not working together?

Despite being new to the publishing world, we are aware of how homogenous the industry is. With the help of our experienced professionals, we hope to spotlight why it is important to be diverse and inclusive, and explore the steps that the publishing world is taking to connect with voices that have been previously ignored. 

They say that the pen is mightier than the sword. We want to prove that open, honest dialogue can make a change. We’re excited to experience some of that change with you.

Can’t wait until the 27th of April? Neither can we. Sign up here and keep an eye on our social media pages and blog to tide you over and stay up to date!


Contact Email: cguden0120221@arts.ac.uk